2024 Summary Show and a Look Forward
Download MP3This is Mark Treichel with another
episode of With Flying Colors.
This is the final episode for 2024.
And this is going to be a year in review
of With Flying Colors and the other
podcasts and things going on here at Mark
Treichel's Credit Union Exam Solutions.
As we wrap up, I'm recording
this the 28th, Sunday.
This will go live tomorrow.
We've been doing the podcast now
for three years, essentially.
We started middle of January three years
ago, so we're coming up on what I guess we
would call season number four in January,
but we've had a total of 53, 000, 252.
Downloads and or listens based on
YouTube by the way, which is new a new
emphasis this year and based off your
podcast your favorite podcast app or
based on the emails that I send out
with links to my website, but 53, 000
and it grew quite a bit this year.
Which I'm happy for.
And as I mentioned, YouTube is
becoming a little bit quite a bit
bigger review or listening platform.
I started mentioning that in my occasional
emails to my mailing list, and if
you're not on my email, if you're not
on my mailing list go to marktreichel.
com and sign up for it.
And I don't highlight every episode there,
but when it's a episode that I think
has some examination type information
or other hot information, I will send
an email out to the mailing list.
And again, so there's the
podcast with Flying Colors.
We're entering our fourth season.
And I started a another podcast,
which I don't mention here very often,
and I don't mention in my emails.
Occasionally, I mention it on LinkedIn
called Credit Union Regulatory Guidance.
It is a audio book style.
Podcast on credit union guidance, CFPB
guidance, OCC guidance, or FDIC guidance
that I think is relevant to credit unions.
It has an AI guest.
Her name is Samantha Shares.
Shares as in shares of
deposits at a credit union.
That's how her name was born.
During the year including myself and
my team members and my outside guests,
we had 18 people on the podcast.
From my team, we had , Steve
Farr, Todd Miller, Vin Vieten.
Joe Goldberg, Rick Baum, and myself
on the outside guests that we had
included John McKechnie, Jeff Bassino,
Mike Macchiarola of Olden Lane, Dan
Prezioso, Dan might have been on at
the end of 2023 Dan Prezioso, Keith
Stone talked about his new charter.
Joe Jacoby a unique and different
approach to podcast this year.
He's a former Olympic gold medalist who
now does coaching for optimal performance.
Chris Call, a Credit Union CEO that's
into the cannabis banking world.
Mike Bell, who is, of course, a guru on
Credit Union's acquisitions of mergers.
Tori Haggerty on Consumer Compliance,
Dana Ginsberg on Consumer Compliance and
Compliance Tech, Mark Ritter from his
CUSO and podcast, the member business
loan CUSO, and also Rodney Hood.
I interviewed him right after he
left the NCOA board, so he was
eligible to be on the podcast.
And that was a pretty popular
one amongst the listeners as
far as the outside guests.
As far as the popularity of these
specific episodes, I took a look at that.
And I'll probably rerun a few of these
here coming up early here in 2025.
By the way, I started doing a little
bit more frequent reruns on Thursdays.
I've done some what I
call archive episodes of.
of popular topics or evergreen topics
that really every year is something
that someone could listen to.
And I want to make sure that new
listeners are aware of these old episodes.
But the top five episodes in 2024 on
With Flying Colors were an episode
I did back in February called Camel
Code 3's triple exclamation point
question mark exclamation point.
That was number one, closely followed
by into exam insights and trends.
With my team members, Todd Miller and
Steve Farr, that was from August, that
one we talked about the things that
we'd seen in our discussions with credit
unions and our credit union clients over
the last year, and it was very popular.
Also the NCOA Supervisory Priority Letter
podcast from late January of last year.
I'm hoping N2A will get their letter to
credit unions out in January of 2025 on
that same topic, but that was popular.
It's always a popular one.
We enjoy doing that, and that usually
comes out third week of January.
But with the change in the
presidency, I'm not sure if it'll
be delayed a week or rushed up.
So Todd Harper may want to get
one out, or he might want to say,
hey, we might have a new chairman.
So we'll let, we'll wait till.
President Trump appoints Kyle Hauptman
so that he can drive that letter.
We'll have to see which
path Todd takes there.
Todd, if you're listening, you want
to let us know, give us a call.
Also the fifth most popular podcast
this year was Why Does NCOA Ask to
Meet with the Credit Union Board
Without Credit Union Staff Present?
That's something that they've been doing.
Historically, but there's
been an uptick in it.
That's another very popular episode
followed by NCOA's liquidate liquidity
expectations that I did with Todd
Miller from the outside guests the
most popular work Chairman Rodney Hood
discussion on the Trump election and
what that means for your credit union
with John McKechnie and Jeff Pacino
discussion of the NCOA annual report
with Mike Macchiarola of Olden Lane.
Dana Ginsberg's discussion on
fair lending tips from Compliance
Tech and another another one with
Mike Macchiarola of Walden Lane
on assisted mergers rounds out.
The top 5 podcast episodes from
myself and from my team and
the top 5 from external guests.
I did more of a focus on my team
and myself podcasts over the 2nd,
half of the year with some travel
that I had going on, but we'll we've
many of the same guests in 2025.
And potentially some new folks that you
haven't yet heard from here on With Flying
Colors, the With Flying Colors podcast.
On the Credit Union
Regulatory Guidance podcast.
Again, I don't advertise that one much,
I may weave it into my, my emails
a little bit more and it actually,
when you compare the YouTube.
podcast downloads versus the
other platforms the Credit Union
Regulatory Guidance has a little
bit better presence there on YouTube
than they do when I compare it
to with Flying Colors, which is.
More popular than the Credit Union
Regulatory Guidance podcast, but the top
episodes this past year from the Credit
Union Regulatory Guidance podcast with
Samantha Shares were the OCC Semi Annual
Risk Perspective, NCOA's 2024 Examination
Priority Letter to Credit Unions, so
that was on the top of both podcasts.
Evaluating Third Party Relationships,
a letter that was 11 years old.
It came out in 2013 that I highlighted
early on in the in the introduction of
Credit Union Regulatory Guidance Podcast.
Then there was a speech that Chairman
Todd Harper did on the Brookings Institute
where they talk, he talked a lot about
shareover drafts and said some things
that that Cut the attentions of the media.
I did advertise that 1 a little
bit, which is why it had a
little bit better download.
And then into his.
Liquidity risk management advisory that
had came come out early in the year.
So that podcast is more
of a labor of love.
I don't really highlight it.
In my advertising, as I've said
probably way too many times here so far.
But I like to get these audio book style
of important issuances that come out.
For those of you who like that niche.
It will be out there again this year.
And again, it's growing
pretty well on YouTube.
Stay tuned for what's coming there.
I would imagine that the letter to credit
unions again, I'll get that one out at
the end of January or early February.
Thank you.
All right what else is coming up in 2025?
I've got scheduled a podcast with
Joe Goldberg of my team to talk
about insuase overdraft guidance.
We will have a podcast outlining the
requirements of the new succession
planning rule while it doesn't go
into effect until the end of the year.
It's something that a lot
of people are interested,
particularly smaller credit unions.
We'll have the priority letter to
credit unions when that comes out.
We probably will do a follow up on the
transition to Trump as we know more there
once Kyle Houtman gets on and starts
speaking to his priorities versus a
Democratic led board by Chairman Harper.
And again, when he, when I say gets
on, when he's made chairman, which
is inevitable because they'll want.
Chairman of the agency to be the
same as the party of the White House.
Plan on a podcast on mergers coming up.
Stay tuned on that.
And possibly one on the process of
converting from a federal credit union
or into a federal credit union, which
is something that comes up on occasion.
There are more podcasts that we did that
are in the evergreen variety in 2024.
Some of those are the most
popular ones I just mentioned.
So you can see some potential reruns of
those on Thursdays, or when I'm traveling
a little bit more, sometimes I'll run
that on the first edition of the week.
And the other item I plan on doing
is I've moved around, I try to stay
consistent when the new episodes come
out, but most recently I've had a
Monday episode for With Flying Colors
followed by a Tuesday episode for
Credit Union Regulatory Guidance,
and I'm going to move that forward.
The with flying colors back to
Tuesday, which is where it had been
earlier on in the earlier seasons and
still trying to decide what I'm going
to do with credit union regulatory
guidance other than, time sensitive
things that do come out will come out
within 24 hours of when it's released.
But that will either be a
Wednesday or Thursday release
point moving forward here.
So stay tuned on that.
I have a big presence on LinkedIn.
If you haven't seen me on
LinkedIn and you're not on
LinkedIn or we're not connected
on LinkedIn, please connect there.
You'll see us doing more and more
on YouTube and I've been really
enjoying doing that as well here
as part of both of these shows.
You Oh, and by the way, as far as what's
most popular on YouTube, the top episodes
there there's some correlation, the
Trump the Trump, what you can expect
and what, how credit unions are impacted
by the Trump administration was big.
Corporate governance was big and board
packages was also a big hot topic.
So that's it.
We're wrapping up the year.
I appreciate you listening.
And the 53, 252 downloads are
supplemented by other listens.
So it's really hard to get a total number.
But if you had told me three
years ago when I started this,
that I'd 50, 000 listens.
I don't think I would have believed
you, but it's a lot of fun.
I appreciate the good
feedback I get on it on this.
If there are things that you'd
like us to talk about in 2025,
send me a message on LinkedIn,
email me at info at marktreichel.
com or comment on the
YouTube video of your choice.
That's it.
Happy new year.
Be safe.
Mark Treichel signing
off with flying colors.