Project Management of Your NCUA Documents of Resolution (DOR)

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: Project Management of Your NCUA Documents of Resolution (DOR)

Guest Speakers: 
- Steve Farrar (Former NCUA examiner and central office staff)
- Todd Miller (Former NCUA examiner and director of special actions)

Key Topics Discussed:
1. Current trends in NCUA Documents of Resolution (DORs)
   - Longer DORs with numerous action items
   - Possible reasons: Merit system, examiner inexperience, post-COVID catch-up

2. Communication challenges between credit unions and NCUA examiners
   - Importance of clear understanding and negotiation of DOR requirements
   - Impact of quality assurance reviews on agreed-upon terms

3. Project management strategies for addressing DORs
   - Establishing clear priorities and timelines
   - Assigning accountability and resources
   - Balancing reporting requirements with actual problem-solving

4. Cost implications of DOR requirements
   - Examiners may not fully understand financial impact on credit unions
   - Potential conflicts between profitability goals and compliance costs

5. Best practices for internal communication and reporting
   - Transparency across management team and board
   - Regular updates to board and supervisory committee
   - Demonstrating commitment to corrective actions

6. Importance of finding the right balance in reporting
   - Avoiding excessive time spent on reporting at the expense of problem-solving
   - Using summary reports effectively

Key Takeaways:
- Effective communication with NCUA examiners is crucial for managing DORs
- Proper project management techniques can help credit unions address DOR items efficiently
- Credit unions should be aware of and communicate the cost implications of DOR requirements
- Regular, transparent reporting to internal stakeholders demonstrates commitment to improvement
- Balance detailed reporting with actual progress on corrective actions
Project Management of Your NCUA Documents of Resolution (DOR)
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