Part 1 - NCUA Exam Priority Letter with Farrar and Miller

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Subject Matter Experts Steve Farrar and Todd Miller and I discuss NCUA's examination priority letter for 2022. With 11 priorities NCUA is signaling a challenging examination year for credit unions? Tune in to find out.
Every year National Credit Union Administration issues a guidance letter that outlines the supervisory priorities and other aspects of the agency’s examination program. NCUA focuses its examination activities on the areas that pose the highest risk to credit unions, credit union members, and the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.  NCUA increased its number of priorities 57 percent over last year (and the past five years for that matter).   Tune in to hear 100 years of NCUA expertise discuss what this means for credit unions.

Link to NCUA's Priority Letter:

Part 1 - NCUA Exam Priority Letter with Farrar and Miller
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