So Your A CAMEL Code 3 - Now What?

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Here are some suggested show notes for this podcast episode:

Title: So You're a CAMEL Code 3 - Now What?

Mark Treichel, Steve Farrar, and Todd Miller discuss what it means when a credit union receives a CAMEL 3 rating from NCUA and what to expect in terms of increased supervision and requirements. They cover recent trends in CAMEL 3 ratings, how NCUA's oversight changes, and advice for credit unions on responding effectively.

Key Points:
- Recent trend of more large credit unions moving to CAMEL 3 ratings
- NCUA increases supervision for CAMEL 3 credit unions, including:
  - Follow-up exams every 6 months 
  - Documents of Resolution with specific deadlines
  - Regional Director letters emphasizing concerns
  - Monthly reporting requirements in many cases
- Credit unions should expect it to take 14-20+ months before potentially being upgraded back to CAMEL 2
- Importance of addressing core issues identified in Documents of Resolution
- Boards should implement tracking/reporting on progress resolving issues
- Management should provide regular updates to board on addressing concerns

- Steve Farrar - Former NCUA examiner and central office staff member
- Todd Miller - Former NCUA examiner and Director of Special Actions

Host: Mark Treichel, Credit Union Exam Solutions
So Your A CAMEL Code 3 - Now What?
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