Coming Soon on With Flying Colors

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# With Flying Colors Podcast: Upcoming Episodes and Industry Updates

## Episode Summary
Mark Treichel provides updates on upcoming podcast episodes and discusses recent trends in the credit union industry based on Callahan's quarterly state of the industry report.

## Key Points

### Upcoming Episodes
- Late August: Field of memberships and new charters, featuring Keith Stone of the Finest Federal Credit Union
- September: 
  - "You're a Code Three. Now What?"
  - "You're a Code Four. Now What?"
  - NCUA meeting with credit union boards without staff present

### Podcast Statistics
- 192 episodes of "With Flying Colors"
- 46 episodes of "Credit Union Regulatory Exams" (AI-driven audiobook style)
- New schedule: 
  - Mondays: New "With Flying Colors" episodes
  - Tuesdays: "Credit Union Regulatory Exams" episodes
  - Thursdays: "Evergreen" topics from past episodes

### Industry Updates (from Callahan's Report)
- Profitability marginally better
- Charge-offs flat
- Net interest margin improved slightly
- More credit unions engaging in hedging
- Total credit unions: ~4,600
- Total assets: $2.3 billion
- Loan growth slowed to less than 4% (down from 12% in previous 12 months)
- Share growth improved to 2.7% (up from 1.2% in previous 12 months)
- Median credit union (assets $59 million) saw 1.22% decline in shares
- Certificate growth at 31%
- Unrealized losses down from $41 billion to $30 billion
- Borrowings decreased from 6% to 5.3% year-over-year
- Cash reserves built up to about 2%
- Real estate loans down slightly
- Consumer loans down 15%
- Credit card loans up 7%
- HELOCs up 20%
- Commercial loans up 10%

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Coming Soon on With Flying Colors
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