Getting Your Exam Timely? NCUA Board Talks About this & More

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NCUA Board Meeting: Fair Lending, Consumer Compliance, and Vacancy Rates

Mark Teichel discusses the first National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) board meeting of 2024, emphasizing the introduction of Tanya Otsuka, the new Democrat board member. Key topics include an increase in fair lending exams, consumer compliance, and the NCUA's challenge in filling vacancies. The upcoming priority letter and improvements in the timeliness of exam reports are anticipated. Teichel also highlights the statements made by the three board members post-meeting, indicating a continued focus on fair lending and consumer compliance.

00:35 Introduction and Overview of the Episode
00:40 Insights from the NCUA Board Meeting
01:53 Press Releases and Statements from the Board Members
02:21 Chairman Harper's Priorities and Concerns
05:57 Vice Chairman Hauptman's Focus on Surveys and Timely Delivery of Exam Reports
08:47 New Board Member Otsuka's Emphasis on Fair Lending and Consumer Protection
10:52 Discussion on Vacancy Rates and Hiring Challenges
12:50 Expectations for the Upcoming Priority Letter
13:38 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Getting Your Exam Timely? NCUA Board Talks About this & More
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