156: Brian Knight of NASCUS on the Wisdom of Crowds, AI,Training & More

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A Conversation with Brian Knight of NASCUS



00:00 Introduction 

00:41 Reflections on NASCUS and Credit Unions in 2023

01:05 NASCUS Initiatives and Achievements in 2023

01:59 Discussion on Anti-Financial Crimes and Cybersecurity

03:32 Legal Roundtable and Litigation in the Financial Services Sector

04:26 NASCUS's Regular Operations and Achievements

05:43 Training and Education Initiatives by NASCUS

06:26 Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities in 2024

06:53 Discussion on AI and Fraud in the Financial Sector

15:12 Implications of Mergers in the Credit Union System

17:15 Changes at the NCuA Board and Potential Impacts

27:29 Looking Forward: NASCUS's Agenda for 2024

39:20 Closing Remarks and Future 

156: Brian Knight of NASCUS on the Wisdom of Crowds, AI,Training & More
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