#152 Is Artificial Intelligence A Risk for Credit Unions: What My Voice Sounds Like with AI

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Markoverdub: Should Artificial
Intelligence or AI Scare Credit Unions?

This is With Flying Colors
but this is NOT Mark Treichel.

This is an AI recording of my
voice that is saying what I type.

It is an earlier version
of my podcast software's AI

tools which I have never used.

I am not a fan but wanted
you to hear how it sounds.

I don't think someone could pretend
to be me with this low quality of AI.

But it will only get better.

In my opinion I feel like Winnee
the Pooh's friend Eeyore the Donkey.




I listened to another podcast about
AI and it stated that the head of the

CFPB was recently asked by congress
what he could do about AI risks.

While I do not always agree with
the CFPB I loved his answer.

He said the real question
is what can congress do?

To add a bit more meat to the AI aspects
of this podcast I asked ChatGPT a

question which is below and the answer:

are there banking risks
for artificial intelligence


Yes, there are various banking
risks associated with the use

of artificial intelligence (AI).

Some of these risks include:

Security Risks:

Data Security: AI systems in banking
often require access to large

amounts of sensitive customer data.

If not properly secured, this data can
be vulnerable to breaches, leading to

financial losses and reputational damage.

Cybersecurity Threats: AI systems may be
susceptible to cyber attacks, including

hacking attempts or attempts to manipulate
AI algorithms for fraudulent activities.

Operational Risks:

System Failures: AI systems can
experience technical failures, leading

to disruptions in banking operations.

This could result in financial
losses, customer dissatisfaction,

and regulatory scrutiny.

Integration Challenges: Integrating
AI technologies into existing banking

systems may pose challenges, and
inadequate integration can lead

to operational inefficiencies.

Regulatory and Compliance Risks:

Compliance Issues: AI applications
in banking must adhere to

various regulatory standards.

Failure to comply with these
standards may result in legal

and financial consequences.

Lack of Regulatory Clarity: The
evolving nature of AI technology may

lead to a lack of clear regulatory
frameworks, making it challenging

for banks to ensure compliance.

Ethical Risks:

Bias and Fairness: AI algorithms may
inherit biases present in the training

data, leading to discriminatory outcomes.

This can result in unfair
treatment of certain individuals or

groups, raising ethical concerns.

Transparency: Lack of
transparency in AI decision-making

processes can be a concern.

Understanding and explaining the
rationale behind AI-driven decisions

is crucial for building trust
among customers and regulators.

Reputational Risks:

Public Perception: If customers perceive
that AI is being used inappropriately

or without proper safeguards,
it can harm a bank's reputation.

Negative public perception can lead to
customer distrust and a loss of business.

Financial Risks:

Model Risk: The accuracy and
reliability of AI models can

impact financial decisions.

If AI models are not well-calibrated
or fail to adapt to changing

market conditions, it can
lead to financial losses.

Overreliance on AI: Excessive reliance
on AI without appropriate human oversight

can pose financial risks if AI systems
make incorrect decisions or fail to

adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

Banks and financial institutions
need to carefully manage these risks

through robust governance, compliance
measures, ongoing monitoring, and

regular audits of their AI systems.

Collaboration with regulators and
industry stakeholders is also essential

to address the evolving challenges
associated with AI in banking.

In closing and as a reminder
this is NOT Mark Treichel.

It is all AI.

Thanks for listening to my
monotone robotic AI version of me.

This is NOT Mark Treichel,
signing off With Flying Colors

#152 Is Artificial Intelligence A Risk for Credit Unions: What My Voice Sounds Like with AI
Broadcast by