Federal Home Loan Banks With Alonzo Swann

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The Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of Atlanta offers a safekeeping program that's second to none. Mark Treichel introduces Alonzo Swann, a credit union strategist at the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta. Alonzo talks with Mark about the many benefits of joining an FHLB. In fact, any credit union that's doing mortgages should be a member. Just like cooperatives, FHLBs make product decisions according to their members’ needs. There are consistent regulatory updates as well to make sure everything runs smoothly. If you want to know more about the benefits of joining federal home loan banks, this episode is for you. 

The Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of Atlanta offers a safekeeping program that's second to none. Mark Treichel introduces Alonzo Swann, a credit union strategist at the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta. Alonzo talks with Mark about the many benefits of joining an FHLB. In fact, any credit union that's doing mortgages should be a member. Just like cooperatives, FHLBs make product decisions according to their members’ needs. There are consistent regulatory updates as well to make sure everything runs smoothly. If you want to know more about the benefits of joining federal home loan banks, this episode is for you. 

Federal Home Loan Banks With Alonzo Swann
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