NCUA Moves Ohio & Spins off AMAC

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By notation vote, the NCUA Board approved moving management and oversight of Asset Management and Assistance Center (AMAC) activities from the Southern Region to an independent office led by the President of AMAC.The NCUA Board also approved by notation vote the transfer of examination and supervision responsibilities for the state of Ohio from the Eastern Region to the Southern Region. Seventeen full-time employees will transfer from the Eastern Region to the Southern Region to support the realignment. Both actions are effective January 1, 2023

By notation vote, the NCUA Board approved moving management and oversight of Asset Management and Assistance Center (AMAC) activities from the Southern Region to an independent office led by the President of AMAC.

The NCUA Board also approved by notation vote the transfer of examination and supervision responsibilities for the state of Ohio from the Eastern Region to the Southern Region. Seventeen full-time employees will transfer from the Eastern Region to the Southern Region to support the realignment. Both actions are effective January 1, 2023

NCUA Moves Ohio & Spins off AMAC
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