Corporate Governance With Expert Michael Daigneault

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Credit unions make a great impact on people's lives and on the communities where they operate. But they cannot do that without corporate governance. Credit unions can have tremendous operational and financial success, but if they don't have governance, they won't be able to function fully. They'll have ethical issues inside, and that is something that you can't just wish away. In this episode, Mark Treichel speaks with Michael Daigneault, CEO of Quantum Governance. They discuss all the different aspects of corporate governance at credit unions. Discover the three-legged stool of credit union governance. Learn why supervisory committees are important and what credit union boards are doing wrong. Start building a culture of leadership and trust in your credit union today!

Credit unions make a great impact on people's lives and on the communities where they operate. But they cannot do that without corporate governance. Credit unions can have tremendous operational and financial success, but if they don't have governance, they won't be able to function fully. They'll have ethical issues inside, and that is something that you can't just wish away.


In this episode, Mark Treichel speaks with Michael Daigneault, CEO of Quantum Governance. They discuss all the different aspects of corporate governance at credit unions. Discover the three-legged stool of credit union governance. Learn why supervisory committees are important and what credit union boards are doing wrong. Start building a culture of leadership and trust in your credit union today!

Corporate Governance With Expert Michael Daigneault
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