NCUA's Proposed Rule on Cyber Incident Notification Requirements What You Need to Know

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At its July Board meeting, NCUA proposed changes to its rules for credit unions on Cyber Incident Notification Requirements. In this episode I provide commentary on the rule, and also include publicly available discussions at the board table from the NCUA Board: Todd Harper, Kyle Hauptman, and Rodney Hood, as well as NCUA staff.NCUA's full board recording can be found here:'s proposed rule language can be found here:

At its July Board meeting, NCUA proposed changes to its rules for credit unions on Cyber Incident Notification Requirements. In this episode I provide commentary on the rule, and also include publicly available discussions at the board table from the NCUA Board: Todd Harper, Kyle Hauptman, and Rodney Hood, as well as NCUA staff.

NCUA's full board recording can be found here:

NCUA's proposed rule language can be found here:

NCUA's Proposed Rule on Cyber Incident Notification Requirements What You Need to Know
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