Credit Risk Is Priority One

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Title: Credit Risk - NCUA's Top Exam Priority for 2024

Key Points:
- Credit risk is NCUA's #1 exam priority for 2024
- Economic conditions are changing the credit risk environment 
- Trends show weakening credit quality and increasing delinquencies
- Consumers have fallen behind inflation for over 2 years
- NCUA is directing credit unions back to credit risk management fundamentals
- Examiners will review lending programs, risk management practices, loan modifications, collections, and allowance for credit losses

- Steve Farrar - Former NCUA problem case officer and VP of Central Liquidity Facility
- Todd Miller - Former NCUA examiner, capital markets specialist, and director of special actions

Additional Notes:
- Episode discusses NCUA's 2024 Letter to Credit Unions on exam priorities
- Compares credit risk priority to previous years
- Analyzes economic factors impacting credit risk like inflation, income growth, unemployment
- Mentions potential issues in commercial real estate 
- Discusses implementation of CECL accounting standard
- Notes NCUA's focus on concentration risk justification

The show notes summarize the key points and guests from the episode while avoiding any direct quotes or reproduction of copyrighted material.
Credit Risk Is Priority One
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