LoanStreet's Ian Lampl Discusses Loan Participations Growth & Future

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In this episode of With Flying Colors Mark Treichel interviews LoanStreet's Founder Ian Lampl on both sides (buying and selling of loans) and why this type of lending is likely going to continue to grow. LoanStreet is an innovative platform for the syndication of loans. Through automation and standardization, LoanStreet enables institutions to efficiently and cost-effectively syndicate their loans to interested investors on a per use basis. LoanStreet saves you time and money while diversifying your balance sheet and increasing your non-interest income.

In this episode of With Flying Colors Mark Treichel interviews LoanStreet's Founder Ian Lampl on both sides (buying and selling of loans) and why this type of lending is likely going to continue to grow. LoanStreet is an innovative platform for the syndication of loans. Through automation and standardization, LoanStreet enables institutions to efficiently and cost-effectively syndicate their loans to interested investors on a per use basis. LoanStreet saves you time and money while diversifying your balance sheet and increasing your non-interest income.

LoanStreet's Ian Lampl Discusses Loan Participations Growth & Future
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