10 Reasons Why NCUA Should Not Regulate Succession Planning

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In the January 2022 NCUA board meeting, it was voted that a proposed rule on succession planning was approved. In this episode of With Flying Colors, Mark Treichel is flying SOLO with a quick take on why NCUA should not regulate succession planning. Regulatory burden is at an all-time high, and there is no reason for this regulation. Listen here to know exactly why! 

In the January 2022 NCUA board meeting, it was voted that a proposed rule on succession planning was approved. In this episode of With Flying Colors, Mark Treichel is flying SOLO with a quick take on why NCUA should not regulate succession planning. Regulatory burden is at an all-time high, and there is no reason for this regulation. Listen here to know exactly why! 

10 Reasons Why NCUA Should Not Regulate Succession Planning
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