Participation Loans and Eligible Obligations with Expert Steve Farrar

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Today, more than 2,000 credit unions are offering participation loans. The total outstanding balance of participation loans increased 28% in 2021, from $46 billion to $59 billion – and it did draw NCUA's attention as an Examination Priority for 2022. In this episode, Mark Treichel interviewsr on loan participation and eligible obligations. Listen to this conversation to hear what NCUA will consider when reviewing your loan participation. Tune in also for a discussion on the difference between participations and eligible obligations.

Today, more than 2,000 credit unions are offering participation loans. The total outstanding balance of participation loans increased 28% in 2021, from $46 billion to $59 billion – and it did draw NCUA's attention as an Examination Priority for 2022. In this episode, Mark Treichel interviewsr on loan participation and eligible obligations. Listen to this conversation to hear what NCUA will consider when reviewing your loan participation. Tune in also for a discussion on the difference between participations and eligible obligations.

Participation Loans and Eligible Obligations with Expert Steve Farrar
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