Fair Lending 101 with Subject Matter Expert Joe Goldberg

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Fair lending guarantees that everyone has equal access to lending opportunities. This puts everyone on an even footing and avoids discrimination. In this episode, Mark Treichel speaks with Subject Matter Expert Joe Goldberg on all things related to Fair Lending. While at the NCUA, Joe supervised their Fair Lending Program. Joe knows what examiners look for, which he discusses here in great detail. Join the discussion and learn more about fair lending and how it helps credit unions.

Fair lending guarantees that everyone has equal access to lending opportunities. This puts everyone on an even footing and avoids discrimination. In this episode, Mark Treichel speaks with Subject Matter Expert Joe Goldberg on all things related to Fair Lending. While at the NCUA, Joe supervised their Fair Lending Program. Joe knows what examiners look for, which he discusses here in great detail. Join the discussion and learn more about fair lending and how it helps credit unions.

Fair Lending 101 with Subject Matter Expert Joe Goldberg
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