#119 Kirk Kordeleski On Mentorship, Staff Retention, SERPS, Split Dollar Plans & More

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Join me as I catch up with Kirk Kordeleski of OM Financial. Together, we explore a diverse range of topics, including the power of mentorship, the intricacies of executive benefits, and the secrets to retaining top-notch C-suite staff. We also take a trip down memory lane through significant events like the 2008 Great Recession, the Corporate Credit Union Crisis, and the conservatorship of WesCorp and US Central. Brace yourself for an enriching conversation filled with insights and anecdotes that will leave you craving for more.

Join me as I catch up with Kirk Kordeleski of OM Financial. Together, we explore a diverse range of topics, including the power of mentorship, the intricacies of executive benefits, and the secrets to retaining top-notch C-suite staff. We also take a trip down memory lane through significant events like the 2008 Great Recession, the Corporate Credit Union Crisis, and the conservatorship of WesCorp and US Central. Brace yourself for an enriching conversation filled with insights and anecdotes that will leave you craving for more.

#119 Kirk Kordeleski On Mentorship, Staff Retention, SERPS, Split Dollar Plans & More
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