MBL Loans: Financial Analysis, Credit Proposals & Global Cash Flow w Vin Vieten

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If you have commercial member business loans you need to listen to this episode. I interview Subject Matter Expert Vin Vieten on many aspects of commercial lending, including Financial Analysis, Credit Proposals & Global Cash Flow. Vin helped write NCUA's commercial lending regulation, trained its examiners and helped write NCUA's examiner guide.

If you have commercial member business loans you need to listen to this episode. I interview Subject Matter Expert Vin Vieten on many aspects of commercial lending, including Financial Analysis, Credit Proposals & Global Cash Flow. Vin helped write NCUA's commercial lending regulation, trained its examiners and helped write NCUA's examiner guide.

MBL Loans:  Financial Analysis, Credit Proposals & Global Cash Flow w Vin Vieten
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